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Revolutionizing Cloud Storage: The Launch of Cere’s Dragon 1 Beta Cluster and the Future of Decentralized Data Management

May 16, 2024

As mentioned in our article on The Evolution of Data Management, the way data is stored and utilized has changed drastically since the introduction of cloud storage. According to this report by Thales Group, the percentage of data stored on cloud server infrastructure doubled from 30% in 2015 to 60% in 2022. Considering the exponential increase in new data being created in that time, it may have doubled in percentage values but in terms of raw data volume, it’s a far greater multiplier.

Cloud storage has faced many hurdles since its inception, and still faces many today. Encryption (or lack of), diminished data sovereignty, hacks, data protection risk, and potential downtime are a few issues facing centralized cloud providers. However, the benefits are extremely apparent, it is almost impossible to spend an hour online without interacting with cloud servers on multiple occasions. With exponential data expansion (something that AI requirements contribute massively to) the opportunity that the cloud presents is almost infinite.

Over 64% of the $500bn cloud market share is held by just three products; Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. With a CAGR of 17%, this will be a $1.1tn industry by 2028 according to Precedence Research. Having such large, and so few, centralized entities as custodians for the majority of the world's data creates a huge risk to the individuals and companies reliant on them. Even without malicious intentions by the companies themselves, the fact that they are bound to regulations internationally leaves a myriad of risks to end users for such huge amounts of data.

Web3 decentralized data cloud storage offers substantial advantages over current cloud infrastructures by mitigating numerous risks, such as extensive downtime, censorship and unverifiable data. Cere's innovative approach leads this shift by launching its first decentralized data cluster Dragon 1 in beta, inspired by and improving upon successful predecessors like FileCoin and Arweave. The public launch of Dragon 1 marks the beginning of Cere's expansive vision, aimed at powering thousands of decentralized edge clusters globally. Only through Cere's open topology, where everyone can run a cluster having gone through Cere’s cluster management governance process to be admitted to the Cere Protocol, data clusters can be truly decentralized, sovereign and autonomous.

Dragon 1 Beta Cluster comes packed with features to demonstrate the power and potential that Cere has to disrupt the existing market. On top of this, the beta has increased performance and content delivery speeds, as well as an increased cache capacity and hit ratio. Dragon 1 also implements smart routing mechanics which maximize throughput and minimize response time, thus massively reducing risks of failure. Cere’s DAC mechanism will regularly reward those participants who contribute resources to while App developers will be charged relative to the resources consumed. A fully comprehensive SDK is available for the Dragon 1 Beta and supports all requirements for external developers, in-depth technical documentation is available for the entire toolkit. 

One of the most impressive new implementations by Cere for developers on the Dragon 1 beta is our App Developer Console. The console allows registration, funding of DCC accounts, creation of buckets, direct integration of our various SDKs, and displays real-time and historical usage data on our dashboards. 

As we launch our Dragon 1 Beta Cluster, the importance of the CERE Mainnet Blockchain becomes increasingly apparent. Participants in Cere’s DDC can begin to operate by staking their CERE via our intuitive dashboard. CERE Mainnet enables both users and participants to interact with the DDC seamlessly. Users can pay to store or stream data directly on the fully decentralized protocol and participants will be paid for operating the DDC. Another important factor of the CERE Mainnet is that as a distributed ledger, the network is fully trustless and verifiable - the CERE explorer is a simple way to navigate the blockchain. Validators on the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism ensure that there are no bad actors, and nodes that do not follow protocol standards or SLAs will be slashed and the data stored publicly on chain. Finally, nominators can stake CERE for an attractive yield whilst also heping to secure the network. 

CERE explorer

Decentralizing data storage is an imperative, not an option. As nation-states and corporations increasingly regulate and misuse personal information, the move toward data sovereignty becomes vital and Cere empowers people to achieve this. We will discuss this matter in-depth separately as there is a huge amount to cover. 

Decentralized Governance is also a non-negotiable requirement for the DCC. Cere’s governance implementation allows Cluster participants to self-organize by agreeing the terms of the SLA associated with the service they are providing. Cluster participants undergo multiple rounds of referenda on the SLA parameters until consensus between all participants is reached. Once the internal consensus is reached, the Cluster is announced the to wider Cere community and a public governance referenda is launched.

Transparency is a vital aspect of any decentralized platform, a protocol can only be truely trustless if the data is verifiable. Cere’s proof-of-stake consensus mechanism implements exactly this via it’s system of nodes and validators. The validators ensure that all data broadcast by the nodes follows the rules set out in the Cluster SLA, if they fail to do so then the node shall be slashed. This is then recorded on-chain and is variable by anyone who wishes to query the blockchain.

Participants in the DCC are rewarded for the service they provide via a cryptographic signature system on CERE mainnet. Once a user has received data from a participant, a ‘receipt’ signature is broadcast on-chain which is then verified before rewards are distributed. This ensures the protocol works fairly for all parties as is determined by the DAC.

DDC DAC Core Validation

As Cere enters a new era with the launch of Dragon 1, the immense potential of the platform will become apparent. The massive economical impact that the launch of this Cluster will have will be demonstrated, something we will discuss further shortly. This is only the beginning; upcoming protocol upgrades, exciting features, and further clusters will be launching in the coming months as Cera launches it’s exciting new innovations.

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